Meet Ghost, the Therapy Dog


Meet Ghost, the Therapy Dog ~

Ghost is an Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ATD) trained husky, and a key part of the North Texas Adult & Child Counseling Center. Ghost is present at all of founder therapist Bradley Williamson’s therapy sessions, and provides comfort and unconditional love to each therapy client. Her calming, cheerful presence makes the sometimes unfamiliar, sometimes challenging experience of attending therapy easier. Ghost loves people, and is a calm, warm, loving presence in the therapy room, ready to break the ice with a tail wag and a husky smile, and there for comfort and support when working through tough memories and emotions.

Benefits of animal-assisted therapy:

Why do we use a therapy dog in our practice? The benefits are clear, and her presence makes sure the quality of care we provide is the best possible.

  • Animal-assisted therapy uses animals, particularly dogs, to support and comfort people who are dealing with physical or mental health conditions. Having a friendly, comforting animal offering their cheerful, unconditional love in a sometimes tense situation like a therapy session can help create connection and allow for deeper introspection, right off the bat.

  • Animal-assisted therapy animals are thoroughly trained to be calm, kind, and easy to be around, and Ghost is no exception. Her training makes sure she is consistent in her behavior and comfortable around people of all ages. She does a good job of bringing comfort to a session, and being there for you or your child through anything that may come up in a therapy session.

  • As a husky, Ghost is a working dog, and she takes her work very seriously. Her training has provided her with the job of being a support animal, and being there for Brad’s clients is work she excels at. She wants to help, and her training means her help looks like comfort, cuddles, and a shoulder to cry on. Her non-judgemental, ready-to-love attitude makes her a real gem of a dog, inside and outside of the therapy session.

“Ghost has been a part of my family for 9 years, and her support in my therapy practice has been indispensable in providing quality care to my clients.”

Animal-assisted therapy means lower stress, better outcomes

Animal-assisted therapy is evidence-based. When you're around a friendly animal you can cuddle, pet, or just enjoy their company, your body releases serotonin, prolactin, and oxytocin. These are key hormones in relaxing and reducing your body's stress response.

Lower stress means more effective therapy. You’re able to dig deeper into what might be causing your challenges, and you’ll feel safer even when sharing vulnerable feelings and experiences. In a therapy session, it can feel intimidating and sometimes lonely. Adding Ghost to our sessions provides a companion in the therapy process, and she doesn’t ask for anything in return. She is simply there to support you or your child.

Children thrive around Ghost

For children in particular, talking with an animal can be easier than talking with an adult sometimes, and the calm, warm presence can help your child focus, so their attention can stay in the moment in a therapy session. Ghost loves children, and her presence can help your child get more out of each therapy session.

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